Tuesday, July 6, 2010

                                          This is my grandma and grandpa. They always go on cruises and they always do fun stuff with their grand kids.
                                                                Greg is really tall and he loves to golf, watch football, and play basketball. Niki is so much fun. She says OMG a lot and Sierra, Niki, and I love to have sleep overs!!!
                                                              Corey (top left) is my uncle. He is a lot of fun and he teaches kids stuff that are a little anoying, but i still like him;) Stacey (top right) is my aunt and she is also fun, but she hates pink. I like pink grrrrrr. HAHAHA. Jaden (bottem left) is my bratty little cousin. Just kidding!!! He is AWESOME. And on the right is Bailey but i already told you about her:)
                                         This is my cousin Baily. She is a lot of fun and she
                                         gets along with everybody
                                                         This is my dad. He is really fun and nice.
                                                         He always does fun stuff with me and
                                                         my brother.
                                                         This is my uncle Chris. He's kinnda
                                                         weird but makes great pasta! YUMMY!!!
                                                 Sierra (the one on the left) is my 16 year old cousin. Ihope she gets her lisence soon so she can drive me places. Alexa (the one on the right) is my 4 year old cousin and Gavins sister. She is SSSOOOOOOOOO cute and funny. And I am in the middle. My aunt Niki took this picture, but she takes pictures EVERY day:)